Seeds of Silence
illustration & animation by YIfeng zheng
"When we choose not to watch, listen, or discuss bad things, our calculation of gains and losses is actually a trade-off between long-term interests and immediate interests. The benefits of many collusion and silence are often the seeds for future problems."

-The Elephant in the room-
I visualized the "seed" in this quote as every woman growing up in a "sexual culture of silence" environment. Three illustrations represent three different stages of a woman's growth, and I created an animation based on the illustrations.

Chinese people have a negative bias towards the word "sex", just like the quote from "The Elephant in the Room", people keep silent about the "bad thing" of "sex". This silence covers the ways in which harm can be minimized, resulting in more serious consequences.
- <Born>

- <Hurt>
- <Fear>
- Sketch
Seeds of Silence


Seeds of Silence
